The Magic We Do
Building lasting partnerships ~ Saving you money ~ Creating social impact

Why hire a diversity supplier with CME Landscape Corp?
Diversity suppliers can provide a major advantage for companies looking to improve branding, flexibility, revenue, and innovation.
As a certified woman-owned, minority-owned small business, CME Landscape Corp is a diversity supplier striving to be more ambitious, active, creative and resourceful than our competitors. There are also non-monetary benefits to working with us as your diversity supplier - we can support you in meeting goals of lifting up disadvantaged communities and making your business more impactful through your choice in landscaping services.

Ground Care
Service options, not limited to:
Fertilization & dethatching
Seeding services
Mulching and sodding
Floral displays

Water Management
Service options, not limited to:
Regular irrigation check ups
Coverage optimization
Equipment repair
Regulation and renovation
Updates and adjustments

Property Maintenance
Service options, not limited to:
Detailed and attractive edging
Precision mowing
Debris clearance
Manicured and clear lots

Sustainability Solutions
Service options, not limited to:
Property analysis
Customized suggestions for:
Reduced carbon footprint​
Eco-action opportunities

Interior Landscaping
Service options, not limited to:
Biophilic Designing
Regular care of landscape

Maybe you're looking for a combination of services or perhaps you are unsure which option is best for your property. Have no fear - the CME Landscape team is ready to work with you to design a custom service package to meet your needs.

Access our Services by joining the CME Community and let us be your Commercial Maintenance Experts!